Fashion / Beauty

Houston Couple Shines Bright as Valobra Master Jewelers’ First Ever Diamond Duo

Rachel and Tom Regan's Incredibly Strong Love Story Kicks Off a Special New Series

BY // 01.31.22

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Valobra Master Jewelers is launching a brand new series. Get ready for “Houston’s Diamond Duos,” which honors, recognizes and congratulates the Bayou City’s most dynamic, gracious and steadfast couples. The first couple spotlighted by Valobra are Rachel and Tom Regan, who just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary.

Maybe it was the Pat Green lyrics or the inky Texas sky studded with stars, but there was magic in the air the night Rachel Podsednik met Tom Regan. Their enduring relationship was borne out of friendship and the knowledge they indeed found “their person.”

It also makes the couple the perfect fit for Valobra Master Jewelers’ Diamond Duos.

Born in Michigan, Tom did what smart people do and got to Texas as soon as he could, growing up in San Antonio and attending Baylor University. Rachel, a native Texan, grew up in the small Czech community of West and attended Baylor University.  

Fast forward to their meet-cute that involved musician Pat Green, a small Texas town and great conversation. 

“This is a fun story,” Rachel details. “While at Baylor, my college roommate was dating and engaged to Pat who was making his way in the Texas music scene. Tom and his fraternity paid Pat to play a gig for them in the small community of Westphalia and we met that evening.”

Rachel and Tom’s connection was immediate. Although they didn’t start dating until later, Rachel said they just knew they had found “the one.” After graduating from Baylor, Tom moved to Austin and Rachel to Dallas, but it was in Houston where their futures merged together forever. 

“We laugh and say we met through the music and friendship of Pat Green — and are likely the only two Catholics that met and married at Baylor University,” Rachel says. 

The Regans celebrated their 20th anniversary in October and have built a bustling life full of family, faith, friends, philanthropy and travel. Their kids — Wynn Lawrence and Eleanor “Ella” Kathryn — are the center of their world. 

“What we value most as a couple is those we are blessed to share our life’s journey with,” Rachel says. “We are both grounded in our faith, which is a very important part of our lives and how we raise our children.

“We believe strongly in the values of family. Both have great examples of marriage and love set forth by our parents.”

Rachel and Tom Regan

Rachel and Tom Regan celebrated 20 years of marriage in October.

Strong Bonds, Strong Couple

Rachel is the senior vice president of Global Sales & Acquisition for Exclusive Resorts and Tom is the founder and CEO of Texas Imaging and Surgical, a company that specializes in high-end medical imaging equipment utilized in the surgical environment.   

Being a part of the community for the greater good is also part of the Regan Family identity. Rachel’s passion for service to those in need, especially children, the elderly and medical innovation and initiatives, is reflected in the long list of organizations she supports. 

Rachel recently finished a successful run as the 97th president of The Junior League of Houston, and is the past president of the Baylor College of Medicine Partnership Board. Rachel currently serves on the Boards of the March of Dimes, and Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, and has also raised much-needed funds for VICTORY in support of the American Cancer Society, the Houston Ballet Guild, St. Luke’s Friends of Nursing Board and Dress for Success Houston — Women of Wardrobe

“We value the opportunity to give back in our community, each in our own ways,” Rachel says. “We often say we are busy and blessed. And appreciating those blessings keeps us grounded during the difficult times and thankful and grateful during life’s wonderful moments.”

And when they have a quiet moment, you’ll normally find this couple at home, opening a bottle of wine and talking about their day. It was engaging conversation after all that drew the two of them together in the first place. 

“Date night? I travel quite a bit with my work, and Tom runs a very busy medical company,” Rachel notes. “So even an hour together every evening is such a gift.”

When they do have an opportunity to go out, new restaurants and established favorites are usually on the agenda. Picos and Uptown Sushi are two of their favorites. 

Travel and being close to the water are also shared passions. This duo has explored far corners of the world together.

“We were blessed to join Exclusive Resorts, a private travel club almost 15 years ago, and I eventually went to work for the company after many life-changing travel memories we made as a family,” Rachel says. “After joining Exclusive Resorts, we have been so lucky to travel to incredible places, each bringing with them very special moments and memories for our family.” 

They are also members of the Florida Power Boat Club and rev up the fun on their boat in the Florida Keys, Bahamas and even to Cuba.   

“We have loved boating together since before we were married, and a boat was actually our first big purchase as a married couple,” Rachel says. “Tom’s toys (aka our boats) have seemingly gotten bigger over the last 20 years, but we both find solace on the water. It is a special part of our life in our marriage.”

Rachel and Tom Regan
In addition to travel, the Rachel and Tom also enjoy boating and are members of the Florida Power Boat Club.

Rachel and Tom Regan are unabashed founders of each other’s mutual admiration society and are quick to share what they appreciate about each other. 

“I admire his strength,” Rachel says. “He is my rock and the rock of our family. He is ever-present, always there for our children and for me, picking up the pieces while I travel for business, or spend time serving organizations in our community that means so much to me.

“He is a man of strong faith, strong values, and who keeps his family and those who are dear to him at the center of his life, regardless of time or circumstance.”

Tom remains equally smitten after their 20 years together.  

“Rachel is the smartest, most giving and loving person I know,” he says. “She has the wonderful ability to make everyone she’s in contact with — in both business and leisure — feel very comfortable and appreciated. Her parents set a wonderful example of work ethic and giving back, and she has taken it to another level in a way only she can.

“Rooted in faith you can feel the sincerity in all she does. We love her dearly.” 

Sounds like the first ever Valobra Master Jewelers’ Diamond Duo has exactly what it takes to keep shining their light on each other for years and years to come. Some love is meant to last — and only get stronger.

To learn more about Valobra Master Jewelers and their exquisite collection of jewelry and luxury timepieces sure to create lasting memories and be treasured forever, visit the full website. Or stop by this fourth generation of master jewelers at their Houston showroom located at 2150 Westheimer Road. Be sure to stay tuned to find out who will be the next special Valobra Diamond Duo…..

New Diamond Duo couples will be chosen and celebrated in this special series throughout the year.

Part of the Special Series:

PaperCity - Houston's Diamond Duos