Latin Women’s Initiative Packs a Houston Ballroom (Again), Raising a Record $550,000 In One of the City’s Most Vibrant Parties
Leave the Black Dress at Home and Make It Pop With Color
BY Shelby Hodge // 05.06.24Heidi Turney, Patricia Garcia, Patricia Bonaldi, Jolene Trevino, Hasina Starks at the Latin Women's Initiative fashion show and luncheon. (Photo by Dave Rossman)
True to tradition, the Latin Women’s Initiative fashion show and luncheon was one dizzily raucous fundraiser with more than 900 people, mostly women, packing the Hilton Americas-Houston ballroom. The sold-out throng raised a record $550,000 for five deserving nonprofits that serve Houston’s Latin community.
Always a high-energy event with hours of shopping across a Latina inspired marketplace, the 2024 energy was fueled by the Titanium tequila tasting. A tequila toast traditionally concludes the lively event, but this early offering of fire water was new to the scene.
You just can’t have more fun at a midday fête than at the Latin Women’s Initiative fashion luncheon. The people watching alone is a feast for the eyes with attendees in the most colorful, sometimes sexy, and always exciting ensembles. As one guest was playfully told by her table host: “Don’t wear black. We don’t like that.”
It was a fashion freedom that complimented the fashions of PatBo featured on the runway presentation from Saks Fifth Avenue, produced by Lenny Matuszewski. The Brazilian designer behind the brand Patricia Bonaldi was a guest of Saks Fifth Avenue GM Heidi Turney.
Applause, applause for chair Jolene Trevino, Latin Women’s Initiative president Patricia Garcia, honorary chair Becky Reyes and emcee Channel KPRC news anchor Daniella Guzman, who had her hands full with the enthusiastic, chatty crowd.
Part of the day’s excitement was generated by Zadok Jewelers which contributed a must-have diamond tennis bracelet to the raffle, And what a commotion there was when a man took the stage to pick up his prize, presented by Amy Zadok and Michelle Zadok.
As noted, the event concluded with a parade of models joined on stage by LWI key figures, Bonaldi and Turney, with all raising their shot lasses for the tequila toast, courtesy of Don Julio Tequila.
The nonprofits receiving funds garnered from the luncheon are Avance, NewSpring, Small Places, Undies for Everyone and Work Texas.
PC Seen: Ceron, Lucia and Michael Cordúa, Rosi and Jorge Hernandez, Jessica Rossman, Gloria Bounds, Kat Pressly, Jan Mendenhall, Marcie Mir, Beckie Mir, Isela Garcia, Monica and Joaquin Jimenez, Trini Mendenhall-Royalty, Michele Leal, Cyndy Garza Roberts, Rosangela Capobianco, Whitney Crane, Winell Herron, Lisa Helfman, Chree Boydstun, Estella Cockrell, Vicky and John Dominguez, Alba Huerta, and Maritza Gonzales.