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Mapping PaperCity’s Future: Ad Guru Chad Miller Named President of Publication’s new Digital Company

BY Jim Kastleman // 12.01.16

The PaperCity digital team is in place. Chad Miller, the magazine’s former group associate publisher has returned to PaperCity as president of newly formed UPI Digital, LLC. Miller comes from CultureMap, where he held the position of chief revenue officer and oversaw all of the online publication’s advertising efforts.

He brings more than 16 years of experience growing startup media companies, building and leading winning sales teams, launching new sellable products and creating custom advertising programs that have attracted major brands, such as Cadillac, Omega, Frost Bank, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, and Johnnie Walker to name just a few.

Miller joins two additional CultureMap alumni at PaperCity, digital director Chris Baldwin and society and lifestyle editor Shelby Hodge — who, as a team, were responsible for the high-traffic numbers at CultureMap during their tenure. Together, these three will form the leadership for PaperCity’s web and social media initiatives. Miller is charged with creating and establishing promotional and native advertising initiatives and growing digital efforts by focusing on city-specific relevance and revenue.

After rebuilding its digital assets over the last two years (Baldwin was brought on as digital director in June 2015, Hodge came on as society and lifestyle editor in October of 2016), and now carving them out and bringing on Miller to partner to run the business, a clear message is being sent that PaperCity intends to position itself as the major digital player across the state.

Miller brings a deep understanding of the regional and national sales process, honed by years of experience driving revenue. He launched new markets for PaperCity in his first tenure at the magazine; sold touchscreen interactive digital content at Six Foot Interactive; built branded/native content at the largest independent custom publisher — Manifest (formerly McMurry/TMG); consulted, launched and grew the largest private jet terminal publication, The Private Journey, into more than 50 markets across the United States and internationally; and finally built CultureMap into a respected five-city digital brand.

PaperCity’s website content expands well beyond what’s covered in its print magazine. As it relates to the luxury space, you’ll see business articles and more general interest pieces, in addition to the signature fashion, design, style, parties arts and lifestyle coverage for which the print magazine is known.

Traffic to PaperCityMag.com has increased more than 700 percent in the last 18 months. PaperCity Houston and Dallas have a total monthly print circulation of 120,000; the magazine has been published in Houston for 22 years and in Dallas for 18 years. In a recent move, PaperCity is now perfect-bound. PaperCity is owned by Holly Moore, editor in chief, and Jim Kastleman, president.

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