Society / The Seen

Landmark River Oaks Home Provides an Escape for Hurricane Devastated Theater Company: A Spectacular Brunch Always Helps

BY // 12.27.17
photography Priscilla Dickson

What: Alley Theatre board holiday party

Where: The landmark River Oaks home of Sarah Morgan and Oscar Brown

PC Moment: The cocktail evening was as much a thank you for patron support as it was a sigh of some relief as the Alley Theatre, swamped by Hurricane Harvey waters, continues on its journey to recovery. Alley managing director Dean Gladden and artistic director Gregory Boyd along with Alley board president Butch Mach greeted the throng that included not only board members, donors and friends but also members of the resident acting company.

The Morgan/Brown abode was dressed to the hilt for the holidays and Events Elementz presented, what guests described as, a spectacular buffet dinner in the outdoor kitchen. It was one of those perfect nights for outdoor revelry around the swimming pool.

Who: Members of the resident company Todd Waite, Jay Sullivan, David Rainey, Melissa Pritchett, Elizabeth Bunch and Chris Hutchison; plus Jane Gladden, Elizabeth Frankel,  Charles Krohn and Paul Hope, Margaret Alkek Williams, Jim Daniel, Glenn Vangolen, Michelle and Dheeraj Verma, Sharyn and Jim Weaver, Beth Madison, Kathryn Ketelsen, Lois Stark, Charlene and John O’Shea, Laura Bellows and Elizabeth and Bill Kroger.


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  • Fallon B Bachendorfs

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PaperCity - 'Tis the Season 2017

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