Society / The Seen

Mad Scientists Cook Up a Steamy Night at Houston’s Hottest New Hotel: Art on the Spot Only Adds to This Virtuosi Gala

BY // 05.24.18
photography Fulton Davenport/PWL Studio

What: The 22nd annual Virtuosi of Houston gala

Where: The Post Oak Hotel

PC Moment: Maestros in lab coats, steam rising from the stage and a sprinkling of “mad scientists” set the scene for the event that celebrated leaders of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics). Embracing the theme by wearing lab coats, maestros Franz Kraeger and Andrzej Grabiec arrived on stage in a cloud of steam.

In addition to the young chamber orchestra’s performances, the entertainment included San Antonio artist Franco Mondini Ruiz painting portraits on the spot. More than 20 of the 300 gala-goers had their portraits done. He also donated an eight foot by eight foot painting for auction.

The dinner evening honored Gordon Bethune, Walt Cunningham, David Dewhurst, Sidney Evans, Monzer Hourani, Renu Khator, Dr. John Mendelsohn, Sybil Roos and Margaret Alkek Williams.

Who: Chairs Patti Murphy, Dr. Roland Maldonado and Elina Htun; plus Don Murphy, Caroline and Gary Kenney, Tabatha and Dr. Randolph Lopez, Edward Sanchez, Debbie Lightfoot, Deborah Krager, Godfried Dekeyser, Dora Dekeyser, Sherri Zucker, Brittany Zucker, Leslie Wisch, Danuta Grabiec and Jo and Jim Furr.

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