Society / The Seen

Champions of Historic Preservation Party in Houston, Celebrate the Astrodome’s Salvaging

BY // 11.28.16

What: The National Trust for Historic Preservation patron’s reception

Where: The historic Julia Ideson Building of the Houston Public Library

PC Moment: VIPs among the 1,100 preservationists attending the national conference gathered in the elegant salons of the 1926 library for the reception hosted by Phoebe Tudor, Minnette Boesel and Stephanie MeeksCEO and president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The buzz was still on from the previous night’s presentation of the President’s Award to Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, recognized for his efforts toward preserving the Astrodome. The conference included tours of local preservation projects across the city.

Who: Rick Lowe, former Mayor Annise Parker, City Councilman David Robinson, Cindy and Larry Burns, Eileen Lawal, Robert Stanton, Terri and Tommy Smith, Guy Hagstette, Vallette and Russell Windham, Peter Boesel, Joe and Jim Furr, and Margaret Lawler.

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