Exquisite Asian Cooking and Drive-By Graduation Parades — How Natalie Chu Does Shelter at Home
How the Notable Dallasite is Making a Life at Home
BY Billy Fong // 05.15.20As we continue to spotlight the creative and relatable ways Dallas’ most notable names have been sheltering at home — a series that has included tips on how to stay busy and a cocktail recipe to reward yourself for a home-school job well done — today we have another of PaperCity‘s former “She’s The Bomb girls” — Natalie Chu.
Of all the folks we’ve profiled, she’s experiencing the most wanderlust — she has more airline miles that anyone I know. In fact, if you don’t follow her on Facebook, then immediately do so. She has the best (and wittiest) “reviews” of airline food and airport lounges.
I know very well (since I, too, am Asian) how integral food is to day-to-day life in our culture. Natalie has been cooking up a storm, and my mouth has been continually watering as she posts dish after dish of the most amazing Asian delicacies to Instagram. She has been sheltering as home with her husband, Wilson Chu, and her daughter, Lexie, now home from L.A., where she was attending the University of Southern California. In fact, Lexi graduated this week — if you happened to be in their neighborhood today, you might have seen the car parade that Natalie and her dear friend, Max Trowbridge, arranged in celebration.
PaperCity: Your quarantine playlist.
Natalie Chu: Anything by Liquid Mind. I need to chill from all the news I watch.
What are you binge-watching?
Chu: The news on e.v.e.r.y f.r.e.a.k.i.n.g channel. (BBC, NHK, CNN, FOX, local news, etc.)
If your life were currently a reality series, what would it be called?
Chu: Groundhog Day.
Are you doing anything productive? Closet edits, handwritten correspondence, starting a new business initiative/strategy, gardening …?
Chu: Cooking like it’s going out of style. House full means my heart is full. Clearing out that one drawer that’s been the dump drawer for 20 years, finally thinking about seriously going into the sauce biz, organizing my collated notes, and maybe churning out a book.
Go-to recipes.
Chu: My tetrazzini and smoked salt chocolate cake.