Society / The Seen

“60 Minutes” Correspondent Regales Dallas Audience With Tales of Worldly Adventure

BY // 07.05.16
photography Carmine LiDestri, Visual Image Photography

What: Essential Energy reception

Where: Tootsies

Who: Hosts Janelle Friedman and Yvette Feiger; featured speaker Lara Logan; Tootsies’ Dustin Holcomb; Regina Bruce, Jan Strimple, Larry Friedman, Kim Rozell, Carmaleta Whiteley, Shelly Herrera-Oneal, Andrea Alcorn, and Madison Kruse

PC Moment: CBS Chief of Foreign Affairs/60 Minutes reporter Lara Logan held the room in the palm of her hand as she spoke to the 350 women in business at the reception sponsored by Friedman & Feiger Attorneys at Law. With a mission to locally unite top-notch professionals, Essential Energy offers an array of networking opportunities not to be missed.

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