Houston Philanthropist Finds Funny Friends, Binges Ozark and Stays Productive — Social Distancing to Music
Cocooning at Home With Hallie Vanderhider
BY Shelby Hodge // 04.14.20Hallie Vanderhider escorts cancer patients Makayla Acabal and Colt Wilson at the Celebration of Champions luncheon. (Photo by Allen S. Kramer/Texas Children’s Hospital)
Into our fourth or fifth — or is it the 12th? — week of social distancing, we’re struggling to find fresh ideas for interesting/creative/meaningful ways to pass the lonesome (read that boring) hours at home.
As the coronavirus-induced stay-at-home edict becomes a way of life, many of us are growing weary of the diversions that only so many weeks ago we thought brilliant. How many times, for example, can one groove on Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” or Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now”? How many jigsaw puzzles can one work?
With the goal of expanding our stay-at-home horizons, PaperCity has queried some of our favorite influencers and social leaders, checking in with them on what they’re up to while sitting out the COVID-19 shutdown.
The Cocooning at Home series continues with Hallie Vanderhider, managing director at SFC Energy Management and a leader in Houston’s philanthropic community. A generous supporter of many charitable causes, her responses to our questions reflect her philanthropic spirit.
PaperCity: What is your coronavirus playlist?
Hallie Vanderhider: Chicago, because they were to play at the Houston Children’s Charity gala (Vanderhider purchased a major table), which had to be cancelled; Gwen Stefani, because we missed her at the Rodeo (canceled); a lot of streaming by various artists to keep us sane; and a mix of oldies like “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” and feel-good songs like “Sunshine in My Pocket,” because who needs any more depressing reminders.
PC: What are you binge watching?
HV: Ozark on Netflix, but I need something new. Recommendations appreciated!

PC: If your life were a reality series, what would it be called?
HV: Either Taking Stock or Calling Friends. I’ve learned that I have very creative and funny friends, which I love! And taking stock in everything from the pantry to the emotional closet and the spiritual inventory.
PC: What are you doing that’s productive during this downtime?
HV: Cleaning closets — because, let’s face it, some of these things will never fit again or will never be vintage worthy. I’ve ironed linens so I’m ready to entertain. I found lots of new apps, read some books that have been sitting in the to-do pile, and have taken stock of the people and ideas that really matter and tried to tell them.
PC: Are you cooking at home?
HV: Some, but I’m trying to support local restaurants so mostly trying to create dishes out of all the leftovers.
PC: Where are your ordering takeout from?
HV: All over, trying to spread it around, from redfish at a’Bouzy to Tony’s and Tribute to Truth and a lot in between.
PC: What would be your dream takeout from any restaurant in the world?
HV: Truffle pizza from LouLou in Paris, anything on Guy Savoy’s menu or Caviar Kaspia.
PC: If you had to be stranded any place else in the world, where would it be?
HV: Based on the restaurants above, Paris, but probably in the sunshine in the South of France.
PC: What is your go-to cocktail?
HV: Wine.
PC: What games are keeping you busy?
HV: Lots of computer games, unless I can talk my boyfriend into coming over, and then I can’t really discuss those games.