Stay Fit Virtual’s Brittney Stracener On Her Typical Day, Go-To Dallas Spots, and the Inspiration Behind Her Brand
The Virtual Fitness Platform Is An Affordable Option For Quality Workouts
BY PC Studios // 08.11.21
Stay Fit Virtual's Brittney Stracener talks inspiration, go-to Dallas spots, and more.
This article is promoted/partner content and not produced by the editorial staff.
MISSION: The longtime Dallas fitness instructor (known to thousands as @StayFitBritt) virtually delivers results-driven (and affordable) workout classes directly to clients.
What inspired you to make your Stay Fit Britt vision a reality.
Brittney Stracener: Creating my own virtual fitness platform during the lockdown was a no-brainer. Stay Fit Virtual is an affordable option for quality fitness, and I love that. I thrive off of others’ energy, so opening up my laptop and seeing people move, sweat, and compete fueled my passion.
Your proudest accomplishments as an entrepreneur.
BS: Just seeing the impact I’m making in peoples’ lives. The confidence that I’m helping unleash in women is really special, and the response has been overwhelming.
What makes you excited to lead Stay Fit Britt in Dallas.
BS: I moved to Dallas 12 years ago because I just knew this was going to be the It spot for fitness and health. Dallas has an incredible energy, and I know I have the support from my city and community. That means everything to me.
How living in Dallas has helped grow your business and helped you grow as a leader.
BS: Dallas is a confident city, and we all support each other — that’s why we’re so great here! Word of mouth, referrals, and my Dallas community supporting my pop-ups have been huge for my brand.
What you hope to accomplish.
BS: I want SFV to help you stay fit in all areas of your life. I have some exciting things coming soon.
Your typical day.
BS: On days I teach class, I wake up at 4:30 am, give myself a few face slaps, throw on some music, make coffee, and put on makeup (yes, I wear makeup early in the morning for my classes, because it makes me feel good). Teach class, get the kids to school, work on all things business for SFV, pick up the kiddos, make dinner, and spend quality time with my fiancé at night. On days I don’t teach, I enjoy walking the Katy Trail with my girlfriends or supporting other local fitness studios.
Local charities you support.
BS: My fiancé and I support Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center (DCAC) and Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF).
Go-to Dallas restaurants.
BS: Shinsei and The Charles.
Favorite cocktail.
BS: 10000% Osadia Tequila ranch water with Tajín and a jalapeño! Support local! Best tequila in Texas!
Book your first class free (code: STAYFIT), $39.95 for UNLIMITED classes LIVE or ON DEMAND